How to Clean a Motorcycle Carburetor, The Right Way

I get asked about Carburetor Cleaning regularly both from readers and from friends offline. So I've decided to write a definitive guide for cleaning carbs the RIGHT way. So put your tools down for a minute, grab a beer, and give this a read. You might just save yourself a lot of headache and sweat.

Baby Beds Cribs

Carbs come in many shapes and sizes. Single carbs, dual carbs, racks of 3, 4 or 6, V racks, carbs with ticklers, carbs with accelerators, carbs with asynchronous designs, and carbs that operate vertically. While working on some carburetors is more difficult (due to design) than others, they all share the same basic components, and the process of cleaning those components is generally indentical.

Baby Beds Cribs


Make sure that dirty carbs are actually your problem. Lots of things can make a bike run poorly or not start. Weak battery, corroded electrics, old spark plugs, bad timing, low compression, mis-adjusted valves, dirty air filter, and plugged exhausts can all cause poor running. I'll write an article eventually on how to diagnose poor running conditions shortly, but for now - lets just deal with the carbs.


Once it has been determined that the carbs are the problem it's time to get to it. Some racks of carbs are easier to remove than others. If you're working on a newer model bike the rubber boots from the airbox to the carbs and the manifold boots from the carbs to the motor should be relatively soft and pliable. On older bikes however this is rarely the case.

First remove the fuel tank, seat, and side covers. Depending on your model of bike other parts may need to be removed too. For many single cylinder bikes the carb can often be removed without removing any body work at all.

The bike below is a 1983 Yamaha XJ750 Seca with 4 inline Hitachi carburetors

You'll want to loosen the circle clamps on all of the rubber boots. Sometimes I'll even take them all right off (carefully, without bending them too badly) so that they aren't in the way.

Inspect the airbox. On many bikes it is bolted in place to tabs on the frame. Remove those bolts and try to create as much space as possible for the airbox to pull backwards.

Next, put the bike on it's centerstand and straddle it facing forward. Put your right hand on the right-most carburetor and your left hand on the left-most carburetor and get ready to sweat. Sometimes you'll be able to pull the carbs straight backwards nice and easy, but that is pretty rare. I usually end up rotating them up then rotating them down as best I can while pulling backwards furiously. This can really take some work and time, especially if you've never done it before. In real extreme cases where you simple can't get the carbs to pull backwards out of the manifold boots I have a couple tips. These tips should only be used in extremely difficult cases when you have been struggling for an hour and simple can't get the carbs to pull backwards out of the manifold boots.

Tip 1: Ratchet Straps - This is sort of a last resort, but it has worked without fail for me when I'm pooling sweat on the garage floor and the carbs aren't budging. Wrap a ratchet strap around one of the outer carbs and put the hooks somewhere on the rear of the frame. Then slowly ratchet the carbs right out of the boots. Be careful not to pull them too cockeye'd or you could damage the boots. Attach a second ratchet strap to the other side if necessary. (Note: you can do this in the opposite direction to force carbs back into the boots once they are clean.)

Tip 2: Full Pull! - You should do this before you do the ratchet strap method above. Sit down on your butt along one side of the bike. Wedge one of your feet up between the forks and the front fender, then put both hands on the same outermost carb and PULL PULL PULL! This might not work so well if you're short! Ha.

Ok, So The Carbs are pulled back

Chances are the airbox boots are all crammed up now. Do your best to rotate the carbs up and out from the boots and pull them out one side of the bike. Sometimes it's easier to pull the carbs out one side than the other, so have a look to see if there are frame elements, motor elements, or hoses that may block the carbs from coming out on one side.

Also keep note of the throttle cable(s) and choke cable (if there is one). Now may be a good time to loosen the nuts that hold them in place and disconnect them.

Struggle just a couple more minutes wriggling the carbs out the side.

Ok, You have the carbs off the bike

Make sure you brush off any loose dirt or grime, then flip the carbs over and remove the screws from the corners of the carburetor. Some carbs won't have bolts in the corner and instead have a wire latch over top which can just be forced over.

Remove the bowls.

If the carbs are real gummed up the insides might look like this:

It's obvious that these carbs are all clogged up. Some carbs might not look so bad, some might be a lot worse. It's always a mystery what will be inside the bowls.

Now it's time to remove the floats. It's generally a good idea to drench everything in carb cleaner (available at any autoparts store). Sometimes the pins will practically fall right out, sometimes they'll be so stubborn you won't think they'll ever come free. But they will! Carefully push on the pin from either side. Sometimes a nail and a gentle tap from a hammer is helpful. **BE CAREFUL**, using force to remove a stuck float pin can break off the pin tower. If they are really stuck and you can't seem to work them free here are a couple tips.

Tip 1: Heat - Adding a little flame to the float pin towers can help. **Don't Burn Down Your Garage!!**

Tip 2: Pliers - Using pliers to gently clamp the end of the pin and push it through has worked well for me in the past. **Don't break the towers!!**

Once the float pin is out you can remove the floats, the float needle, and unscrew the float jet screen.

Set everything aside. Next remove the main jet, pilot jet, and idle jet (if there is one). They should come out easily with a flathead screw driver.

Set them aside.

Next flip the carburetors back over and remove the caps. Underneath the caps is a rubber diaphram with a spring. Sometimes the caps have a tendency to shoot off the top, so be very methodical when removing the screws. Other times the cap tends to stick down until you start to pry at it, then it shoots off, again, just be cautious and don't loose any parts.

Next you'll want to gently pull the slides up out of the carburetor body. You can gently pull on the rubber diaphrams, but be very careful not to tear them. If they don't come up easily stick your finger into the carb intake and push the slide up with your finger. You can also gently pry it with a screw driver (gently). If it doesn't want to budge don't force it. Instead finish reading this article and pay attention to the boiling tips further down.

Now your carbs should be pretty well emptied out. If the throttle on the bike moved fluidly and smooth there is little reason to do much to the carb bodies themselves. However, if the trottle was real sticky or frozen there are a few things you can do to free it up. Sometimes just drenching all the throttle components on the carbs and letting it soak is enough, other times it is not. I generally try to break racks of carbs apart. It isn't often necessary and can be confusing to put everything back together in the right places. Also, the little rubber connector hoses and o-rings have a tendency to crack or leak if you mess with them. If you can't work the throttle back and forth until its smooth have a look at the boiling tips further down.

Keep it Neat

Organization pays off.

Clean the Main, Idle and Pilot Jets

Hold each jet up to the light and see if you can look through it. The idle and/or pilot jets have extremely small holes so make sure you are looking through them straight. If you can see through the jet it isn't clogged. There could be a little gunk built up around the edges so spray them down with carb cleaner and let them sit a bit.

If you can't see through the jet it is clogged and needs to be cleaned. Always try the easiest things first. Here's an ordered list of a few things you can do to clean the jet.
Blow through it. - Rarely works, but hey, who knows.
Compressed air. - Force 100 pounds into it. Works occassionally. Make sure to hold the jet tightly so it doesn't go flying across the garage. You might put the jet back into the carb body to hold it in place for this.
Soak it in cleaner. - When I first started cleaning carbs I thought carb cleaner would be the magic answer. It isn't. In fact, I hardly ever use carb cleaner any more, because it simply doesn't do a very good job of anything but removing varnish from the bowl and slide. But try this.
Poking it through. - Collect a few different diameters of needle like objects. A wire from a steel bristle brush works well, a bristle from a broom works well, a baby pin, small sewing needle, etc. Very gently try to poke it through the jet. If you are using a metal needle use caution, brass jets can scratch and deform easily.
Boiling! - This works better than anything. Toss the jets into a pot of boiling water and let them bounce around for a couple minutes. When you pull them out blow some compressed air through them and you'll most likely be good to go.

Some idle jets can be real tricky and never seem like they'll be cleaned out . . . Just keep working at it, I've never met a jet that couldn't be cleaned.

Cleaning the Choke and Air Mixture Screw

Air mixture screws have a tendency to strip or break. If the carbs were real gummed up you might find that the air screws are stuck. Don't force them, if they don't want to come out, just leave them for now. It is fairly rare that these screws will need to be cleaned because they are above the float level. If you can get them out just wipe them down with carb cleaner and spray some through the jet.

Cleaning the Slide and Needle

These are easy to clean. Squirt them with a bit of carb cleaner, wd-40, or anything similar, then wipe them down with a rag. Once the varnish is gone they're good to go. Sometimes they get heavy varnish on them which I will scratch off carefully with a piece of plastic. Scratching the slide and needle is a BAD thing, use caution.

Cleaning the Carb Bodies

Use the same squirt and wipe method noted above. Most of the time the other pressed jets and passages in the carburetors won't be clogged. But if the bike has been sitting a real long time with squirrels in the airbox it is certainly possible. Us a compressor to blow some air into every passage you can see. Listen for the air coming out the other side. If no air compressor is available use a can of WD-40 with a straw attachment.

If some of the pressed jets are clogged it can be difficult to open them up. There are a few things you can do.
Carb Dip - Most autoparts stores sell carb dip. It comes in a can similar to a paint can and is a VERY harsh cleaning agent. Soak the entire carbs in this dip. This dip can eat at rubber and plastics if they are submerged for too long, so try and remove everything you can from the carb bodies before soaking them. Once you pull them out swish the carbs around in a bucket of water to clean off the excess dip, then hose them down with WD-40 to get rid of the water.
Boiling in Water - Not many people do this but it is by far the best way of cleaning carburetors. Dropping the carbs into a pot of boiling water will instantly free up stuck slides, throttle plates, and other frozen parts. It will also loosen the dirt and grime clogging up pressed jets and other passages. Just make sure to dry the carbs thoroughly with compressed air or the sun afterwards.
Boiling in Lemon Juice - There is NOTHING BETTER at cleaning carbs than a giant pot of boiling lemon juice. The acidity from the lemons eats through everything; gas varnish, oil build up, dirt, grime, etc. Sometimes I won't even bother doing anything but this - I'll just remove the bowls, remove the caps, then drop everything into the pot and let it sit for 20 minutes (rotate them a few times). The one caveat to doing this is that you'll want to wash the lemon juice off the carbs as soon as you pull them out. So have a bucket of water ready, or a can of WD-40 to hose them down. Also note that the acidity has a tendency to put a dull finish on the aluminum bodies of the carbs. This isn't a problem in most cases, but if you must have everything shiny be prepared to do a little scrubbing and polishing afterwards. It may sound weird, but trust me, I just saved you LOTS of time. (Most dollar stores sell 1/2 gallon jugs of lemon juice, so buying a few gallons will only cost you . Plus you can put it back into the bottles afterwards and save it for next time.)

Cleaning the Bowls

This is pretty straight forward. Use any of the methods above to tranform your varnished bowls.

Most carb bowls are simple, just clean them up and they are good to go. But I picked this Hitachi's for photos because they have a jet built into the bowl. You can see the 'fifth' hole along the edge of the bowl, that is actually a thin passage that extends to the bottom of the bowl. This is for the idle jet and is extremely important. If these passages are clogged, the bike won't stay running, period. Use the same poke, soak, and boiling methods outlined elsewhere in this article. Not all bowls have these passages, only some, if your's don't - good for you!

Once Everything is Clean

Now that everything is clean it's time to put it all back together. Take your time and make sure you put everything back where it came from. WD-40 is your friend. When screwing in the jets don't over do it, they only need to be seated and snug, do NOT use any force putting the carbs back together.

If the bowl gaskets got goobered up you can put a little RVT on them. So long as the float needles are still in good condition leaky gaskets shouldn't be an issue. However, prudent carb tinkerers may want to order replacements if necessary.

Once the carbs are back together stuff them back into the bike!

Extra Notes
Rebuild Kits - This guide did not mention rebuild kits until now. Rebuild kits (consisting of new gaskets, jets, needles, etc) can be purchased for nearly any bike, both old and new. 95% of the time these are NOT needed. I have rebuilt enough carbs to block off main street, and only once have I used new parts. ONCE!
Carburetor Adjustment - Carburetor adjustment, setup, jetting, and synchronizing is a whole encyclopedia waiting to happen. Those topics are not covered in this article, but I will address them in future articles.
Carburetor Polishing - External carb asthetics will be important to some, and not to others. Cleaning is all I am covering here, this will be addressed in the future.
Work Space - Make sure you have lots of space to keep organized. I also like to work on a wooden surface because it absorbs the spilled gas and cleaners rather than pooling.

That's it! You're Done!

I'll continue to write a couple more related articles about diagnosing carburetion issues as well as the proper way to adjust, jet, and tune your carbs.

How to Clean a Motorcycle Carburetor, The Right Way
Baby Beds Cribs

Christmas Sales Safety 1st Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress, White 201

Dec 17, 2011 23:38:11

Christmas Safety 1st Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress, White Deals
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Safety 1st Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress, White

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Safety 1st Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress, White <<

Christmas Sales Safety 1st Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress, White Feature

  • High density thermo-bonded fiber core provides firm support
  • Hypoallergenic sleeping surface is free of Phthalates and Lead
  • Tear resistant cover also resists stains and odours
  • Waterproof cover wipes clean
  • Fits standard cribs and toddler beds, meets federal flammability standard 16 CFR 1633 without the use of potentially harmful chemicals

Christmas Sales Safety 1st Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress, White Overview

5805096 Features: -Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress. -High density thermo-bonded fibre core provides firm support . -Hypoallergenic sleeping surface is free of Phthalates and Lead . -Waterproof cover wipes clean . -Tear resistant cover resists stains and odours. -Fits standard cribs and toddler beds . -Meets Federal flammability standard 16 CFR 1633 without the use of potentially harmful chemicals .

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Safety 1st Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress, White

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Wall Decorating Ideas

If you want to avoid having the rooms in your home look cold and without personality, make sure you do not have any stark spaces in them. When you want to add some life to a room and give it character, you have to add some wall decor to relieve that monotony of blank walls. Here are some great ideas to bring this kind of life to your walls.

Baby Beds Cribs

One of the best and easiest way is to add texture to the wall. There are so many wallpapers that have texture, and it is a simple task to paper the wall or walls with a wallpaper that has a raised design, or is made to look like bamboo or linen. Of course, this can be brought to an extreme, and there have been avant garde decorators who adhered straw or paper bags to a wall to achieve texture, but this is not a solution that is for everyone.

Baby Beds Cribs

Wallpaper is still the tried and true way to add texture as well as color to your walls, and if you start to look at some of the wallpaper books in a decorating store, you will be amazed at the variety of styles you can achieve, and leave the straw out in the barn for the animals!

You may also consider wall hangings to remedy a bland wall. A beautiful old quilt adds a lovely touch of texture and color, and also spotlights a unique family heirloom. This is one of the nicest ways to add texture, since it is done in such a personalized way.

Another very personalized way to add texture is to display a collection on a wall. For example, a gentleman who collects antique tools might consider hanging them on a wall in a family room in an interesting pattern. Now they are serving a function, and he has also succeeded in removing some clutter from his garage.

How about using old doll clothes or dresses to perk up the walls in a girl's room? Here you are sure to have plenty of color, and the textures of old dresses are usually materials such as tulle or organza, which would be very eye catching. The colors of dresses such as this are perfect for a little girl's room.

Just using your imagination and the materials around you will yield a lot of ideas for adding texture to a dull wall.

Wall Decorating Ideas
Baby Beds Cribs

Christmas Sales Carter's Keep Me Dry Waterproof Fitted Quilted Crib Pad, White 201

Dec 17, 2011 01:49:11

Christmas Carter's Keep Me Dry Waterproof Fitted Quilted Crib Pad, White Deals
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Carter's Keep Me Dry Waterproof Fitted Quilted Crib Pad, White

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Carter's Keep Me Dry Waterproof Fitted Quilted Crib Pad, White <<

Christmas Sales Carter's Keep Me Dry Waterproof Fitted Quilted Crib Pad, White Feature

  • Fitted quilted crib pad is 100% waterproof
  • Pad is quilted for extra quality and comfort
  • Pad is 100% polyester, filling is 100% vinyl, with reinforced corners
  • Fits a standard crib mattress or toddler mattress
  • Machine Wash

Christmas Sales Carter's Keep Me Dry Waterproof Fitted Quilted Crib Pad, White Overview

Carter's crib pads are keepers. This quilted crib pad is designed to help baby feel at ease while catching Z's! Shop our full line of Carter's baby accessories.

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Baby Bedding Needs

Anyone who walks into a baby retail store like Babies-R-Us, or looks at the various Internet websites featuring baby items, can be quickly overwhelmed by all the styles and designs of baby bedding available. Anything a new parent could think of is available in nursery décor.

Baby Beds Cribs

Are you looking for animal designs? You can find everything from apes to zebras in bedding motif. Are angels more your style? There are literally over a hundred different styles to choose from. The same thing applies to nursery rhymes. Just think of your favorite nursery rhyme and there is sure to be something available.

Baby Beds Cribs

There are also many styles available in cartoon and Disney characters. Just about anything and everything is available when it comes to baby bedding needs. You'll also have access to all the pieces you're looking for such as bumpers, dust ruffles, comforters and much more. They all match together perfectly and are the most luxurious you could ever want.

It's easy to see all these things and be tempted to want to buy it all. Parents obviously enjoy all the cute patterns and designs, but your baby doesn't know the difference. So what does your baby actually need? Here are some ideas to help you in this important area.

If you are buying a bumper pad for your baby bed, be sure all the ribbons and ties are short and on the outside of the baby crib. You don't want your baby to get tangled or suffocate. The bumper pad is used to protect the babies head from hitting the bars of their crib. There are some who believe a baby can suffocate by pressing their head up against the pad. If you make sure the pad is firmly tied to the crib you should not have a problem with this ever happening.

The bottom sheets have elastic corners and should fit snugly onto the baby mattress. By fitting correctly they should never pop off. This will also reduce the risk of suffocation. You really don't need a top sheet. Your baby only needs a nice soft cotton blanket at first. Babies do not require any more warmth than we do as adults.

As you may know, a babies diaper can leak at night, so a good sheet protector can be a great idea for a busy mom. A sheet protector is simply a piece of cloth on the top and waterproof plastic on the other side. If your baby has leakage at night you can just take out the wet sheet protector and replace it with a new one.

You can also do this between two fitted sheets if you want to. Put the protector under the top sheet so it protects the bottom sheet. If your baby has an accident during the night, you can easily take off the top sheet and have a nice clean bottom one.

You may want to consider having your baby wear heavier pajamas at night so they will stay warm and not kick off the covers. You don't want to go out and buy several pairs of pajamas in the beginning for your baby. A couple of pairs will do fine for now.

Consider buying colored baby sheets due to the fact that stains are inevitable. White sheets may look nice, but may not be practical. As far as a pillow goes, don't even think about it! There is no need for a baby to have a pillow. It is dangerous and your baby can easily suffocate. Babies are not able to lift their heads enough to even use a pillow. They also sleep much better laying flat.

During your baby's first several months, you will constantly be interrupted during the night. Your baby's sleep patterns have yet to be established. During this time you may want to consider purchasing a good baby monitor. This can be very helpful in keeping you alert to any possible problems.

When it comes to helping your new baby get a good nights sleep, the only choice of which baby bedding to get should be the one of safety. It doesn't make any difference how cute your baby bedding is if it doesn't fit or it isn't safe. By following these easy tips you can be sure your baby will be completely safe.

Baby Bedding Needs
Baby Beds Cribs

Canon Coolpix Camera

Should Baby Bedding Be Tight Or Loose?

Many parents already know that it is better not to use bedding with small babies. It would be better for them to be dressed in something that will keep them warm. In case you feel the need to use bedding, you should be careful for it not to be very soft. It is preferable to use a sheet and a blanket, and not a comforter or duvet.

Baby Beds Cribs

A baby under the age of three months can be swaddled in the blanket while older babies or younger ones who cry if they are swaddled, should be made the bed at the bottom. You should put the baby's feet against the footboard of the crib. The bedding should be tucked into the bottom of the bed, then you should bring the blankets and sheets up, across the chest, and tuck them in. If you do that, the baby cannot wriggle down and get his face covered by the bedding.

Baby Beds Cribs

There are baby sleeping bags that can be bought, or you can make one of your own. They are like a sleep suit, they have cutouts for the arms, and a zipper at the front of the suit. There shouldn't be a hood. These sleeping bags are a very good solution to the problem of bedding, because they cannot cause suffocation and they keep the baby covered during the night. So as you can see usually a tight fitting baby bed liner is usually the best thing to use when thinking about baby bedding.

Should Baby Bedding Be Tight Or Loose?
Baby Beds Cribs

Wide Lense Canon Childrens Storage Shelves

Rest Easy with These Baby Beds

My wife told me that she wanted to go and buy a bed for our baby even before she reached her third month of pregnancy. Of course, I can't help but wonder what the hurry was all about. I can't understand why she wants to buy a bed that wouldn't be used for at least another six months. However, she insisted that we didn't have to wait till the very last minute and began to harp on a certain aspect of my lethargic character. I had no choice but to give in.

Baby Beds Cribs

The problem was I had never before had the occasion to see, let alone buy a bed for a baby. In fact, I never even had a bed of my own when I was a young child. You see, I always shared a bed with my elder brother. I was only given a bed of my own when I grew large enough to pulverize him in my sleep. This is why I was shocked and surprised when I found out that most kinds of baby beds available in the market actually cost more than the king size bed that I shared with my wife.

Baby Beds Cribs

I also did not expect that there is a vast range of baby beds that are available. There was even a range of something called 'Bassinets'. Of course, there were also more familiar kinds like cradles and cribs. There were rocking, portable, travel and all permutations and combinations of beds for babies. I also found a few elegant baby beds that could burn a hole in your pocket and make your baby feel like royalty.

I also discovered that baby beds are not just made of wood because they come in all sorts of materials. There are metal baby beds, wood ones, plastic disposable ones and even beds made of medicinal and therapeutic materials. Baby beds can come with wheels, coasters, rocking attachments and in one memorable instance, a dangling toy and battery operated fan.

My wife eventually settled on a hardwood 'Caspian' bed after spending over four hours looking over wooden, metal, plastic and porcelain baby beds. The bed we purchased came with wheels, three position mattress support, and a special release mechanism. I thought about how I had spent the best part of my infancy rollicking around on the cold, hard floor or in the warm embrace of my mother as I lugged the extremely heavy bed to the parking lot. In the end, I realized that there is no reason for me to deprive my unborn child just because I didn't get to enjoy the luxury of a bed.

Rest Easy with These Baby Beds
Baby Beds Cribs

Sealy California King Mattress 30X Handheld Microscope Microfiber Sofa Beds

Crib Mattress - 4 Safety Tips You Must Know

Choosing a crib mattress for your baby's nursery should not be a lax decision. There are several things you should look for in a mattress to keep your little one safe. Arm yourself with this knowledge, prior to shopping around for the right mattress for your precious baby.

Baby Beds Cribs

Baby Beds Cribs


To avoid entrapment or suffocation it is critical that the baby mattress fits snugly inside the crib. You should not be able to fit more than one finger between the side of the mattress and the crib/rails. I also recommend that you go with a standard size baby mattress. It should measure 51 5/8" by 27 1/4" and should not be more than 6" in thickness. Please make sure you measure the mattress yourself before placing it inside the crib. This is because manufacturer labels are not 100% error proof. This was the case with the 20,000 Simmons mattresses that were recalled back in June 2008.


A safe crib mattress will always be very firm and uniform throughout. A sturdy interior support system will prevent the mattress from sagging. This will keep the fitted sheets tight and loose areas won't be created (suffocation hazard). Remember, when squeezed from both sides in the middle, a firm mattress will quickly snap back once you let go, and will not conform to the shape of your hand.


Your baby will spend the majority of the first year on the mattress. Avoid buying a cheap mattress that sells under . It won't be very durable and in my opinion, simply not safe enough. While a good quality baby mattress is made of high quality materials, and as a result is more pricier. In my opinion, the best crib mattresses on the market are those that are made of 100% certified organic materials. These mattresses are not chemically treated during the manufacturing process, and therefore will not leach harmful chemicals such as Phthalates.

Mattress Height

The mattress height is adjustable to several levels inside the crib. This is a safety feature that must be used once your baby becomes more mobile. Once your baby is able to stand, I recommend lowering the mattress to the lowest level. This will prevent your little one from climbing out. However, if your baby is constantly attempting to climb out (or is taller than the sidebar), then the crib and crib mattress are no longer safe.

Keep in mind that a safe baby mattress is just one of the many necessary components in your baby's nursery. But at the same time, I strongly believe that safety should take precedence over style or design. So please invest in a high quality and safe crib mattress first. The furniture and nursery design should be secondary, since these things will not affect your baby's well being.

Crib Mattress - 4 Safety Tips You Must Know
Baby Beds Cribs

Christmas Sales American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White 201

Dec 13, 2011 11:34:21

Christmas American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White Deals
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American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White <<

Christmas Sales American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White Feature

  • 28" X 52" with 13" skirt
  • Split corners
  • 100% cotton percale
  • 220 thread count skirt with strong cotton/poly centerpiece

Christmas Sales American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White Overview

ABC 100% Cotton Percale Dust Ruffle - White

Elegant cotton percale dust ruffle adds a touch of luxury to standard infant crib bedding and is made with a strong cotton/poly centerpiece, 15" skirt with finished baby hem, and split corners.

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This Christmas American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White

Limited Offer Today!! American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Bathroom Storage Cabinets

Designing a New Baby Quilt

Ready, set, go... It is not a race when I set out to design a new baby quilt.

Baby Beds Cribs

Before I decide how I want my next baby quilt to look, I pull out the quilt books on my shelves, the magazines that I have sitting just waiting for me to leaf through their pages, and check out some of my patterns that I have saved either in boxes or on the computer files.

Baby Beds Cribs

Through the years, I have learned to carry my camera or a sketch pad to quilt shows, or even in a quilt shop if I see a design that intrigues me. Filing that information away and waiting for a time when I just may use pieces or bits of those designs to get an inspiration for a quilt of my own.

Here are some of the starting points that I deem necessary to consider when designing a new quilt:

Decide on the style of baby quilt you would like to make. Is the baby quilt going to be a traditional patchwork, or more contemporary? Do you want to piece the quilt top or appliqué? Maybe a combination of the two?
Ask yourself what is going be the purpose of the new baby quilt. How much wear and tear will it receive and will the quilt be subject to repeated laundering? A baby's quilt more often soiled, dragged on the floor may need to have a quick and easy design, as compared to a wall hanging or a bed quilt, that is well cared for.
Decide how much time you have available to denote to the baby quilt project. If you need to complete the quilt in a short period of time, select a pattern or design for your quilt that requires limited hours of your time to quilt. Yet, if you have the time to put into hand sewing or appliquéing a special baby quilt, choose an intricate design and put more effort into the quilting.
Fabric is always an important decision. If you choose a busy print this will hide the quilting design, use a cross-hatch grid or quilt in the ditch method. Place intricate and detailed quilting motifs on solid-color fabrics or tone-on-tone prints.
Remember that you also need to consider you own level of expertise. If you are just a beginning quilter, choose patterns and designs that are simple and require straight lines or grids. If you have the expertise to handle more advanced techniques, challenge yourself with the more intricate patterns, such as feather designs or if you machine quilt, meander or stipple quilting.
Once you are ready to bind your baby quilt, consider again your skill level, time constraints, how much use the baby quilt will receive, or whether the baby quilt has edges that are straight, irregular or curved.

I have one more important and vital part to the process that many quilters tend to skip. Photograph your quilt both from far away and close up shots. Keep these either in an album of all your treasured works of art that your print out at your local photo shop or store digitally, both on your computer and also on a back-up copy (CD or jump drive), just in case the technology fails.

A baby quilt is an heirloom and records should be kept.

Designing a New Baby Quilt
Baby Beds Cribs

Bed Trays Tasco Tactical Scopes Leather Cube Ottoman

Consider Safety When Purchasing Your Baby Crib Bedding Set

Mothers will always remember the time when they bought all the essentials to make her new baby comfortable. It is a beautiful time when we try to find the perfect items for our newborn. Even though we are caught up with cute little outfits, did you know that crib bedding is one of the most important items for your baby? Of course, you want it to be beautiful and the unique baby bedding to fit the decor of your new baby's bedroom. However, most of all it needs to be safe and comfortable. Most babies spend at least about 18 hours a day sleeping. Imagine, if you had to spend that much time in bed? You want it to be comfortable and safe!

Baby Beds Cribs

Safety means: safe bedding practice recommendations for babies under 12 months. Crib bedding and its accessories, like bumpers and mattress covers all have to fit right and tight to prevent the baby from getting tangled in loose bedding. Protective bumpers used around the crib have to fit tight and securely fastened to the crib railing. No pillows should be ever in a baby crib.

Baby Beds Cribs

We are also made aware by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission of important safety points we like to quote for you information.

o Place baby on his/her back on a firm tight-fitting mattress in a crib that meets current safety standards.

o Remove pillows, quilts, comforters, sheepskins, pillow-like stuffed toys, and other soft products from the crib.

o Consider using a sleeper or other sleep clothing as an alternative to blankets, with no other

o If using a blanket, put baby with feet at the foot of the crib. Tuck a thin blanket around the crib mattress, reaching only as far as the baby's chest.

o Make sure your baby's head remains uncovered during sleep.

o Do not place baby on a water bed, sofa, soft mattress, pillow, or other soft surface to sleep.
Babies are precious let us keep the as safe as we possibly can.

Comfort means: the use of natural and breathable fabrics. Materials made of cotton are usually best, to ensure the baby's soft and delicate skin, which touch the covers can breath. Cotton also helps to regulate the body's thermostat when it is either hot or cold.

Beauty means: that you have choice in the design. Baby crib bedding sets come in specific themes in order for you to find the right colors and patterns you desire to fit with the decor in your baby's room. There is always special boy crib bedding and of course, the cutest baby girl crib bedding, the choice is yours. Should you like neutral tones, there are many soothing and unique baby bedding sets in lovely styles available.

Take your time when deciding on items for your baby's needs, but most of all enjoy the time while preparing - it is precious!

Consider Safety When Purchasing Your Baby Crib Bedding Set
Baby Beds Cribs

Monocular Telescopes Crib Sets Neutral

Luxury Baby Bedding - Not Just For Adults

One might wonder - is luxury bedding for adults only? Hardly - luxury bedding comes in all age groups and sizes. Including the crib and baby set. Yes, your baby can also have access to luxury crib bedding. Probably top-of-the-line examples of luxury crib bedding come from the good people at Kathy Ireland and Company. Complete sets are available in two collections from Nautica Bedding - the Hannah Bedding and the Jack Bedding collections. Both sets are available in the very reasonable price range of four hundred to three hundred dollars. Both sets are very cute, comfy, plush and luxurious. Even a baby will be able to appreciate these! The Jack luxury crib bedding set is very cute with its child's eye patchwork and nautical theme of tugboats, sailboats and so on. The Jack set is definitely for boys. While the Hannah is definitely for girls - with its pink floral motif patchwork design. Did you notice that combining the two names is that of Jack Hanna - does he have something to do with these sets? Matching sheets, pillows and other accessories are available also.

Baby Beds Cribs

A favorite name-brand large retailer of bedding products has a vast selection of crib and toddler luxury bedding compared to the above. They have literally hundreds of options and thousands of combinations available for you to select from. Continuing with the nautical theme (mentioned above) is the Ahoy Mate Bedding Collection. Except the nautical theme is somewhat expanded to include whales, monkeys, palm trees on islands and more! You might want to get this set if you want your baby to be interested in conservation oceanography. This is a six piece, reasonably priced imported set.

Baby Beds Cribs

Or, if you want your little one to develop their reading skills early on, try the CoCaLo Baby Alphabet soup luxury crib bedding set. It comes in a multi-colored patchwork design with the letters of the alphabet and animals with their names. Giraffes, whales and other amazing and eye-catching animals are depicted with their names for the education and comfort of the baby. This vibrant, full-color set is splashy, educational, imported and easily affordable.

Luxury Baby Bedding - Not Just For Adults
Baby Beds Cribs

Sports Camera Playard Mattress Wooden Headboards For Beds

Baby Cribs Bedding

Shopping for baby cribs bedding can be a daunting task just because there are so many different styles available for you to choose from. A typical baby bedding set will include a fitted sheet, coverlet or quilt, bumper pad and crib skirt. The most popular color choices tend to be shades of pinks for girls and of course shades of blue for boys but you don't have to follow that common tradition. You could even reverse it if you'd like and decorate in shades of blue for baby girls or pinks for baby boys but most people are just getting tired of seeing the same old pink or blue in nurseries. More and more parents are looking for baby bedding that is a bit more original for their new additions.

Baby Beds Cribs

Bedding for Baby Girls

Baby Beds Cribs

While shades of pink remain popular for girls, there are also baby cribs bedding for girls in shades of purples and yellows too. You can find sets that have ruffled edges, polka dots, princess crowns, stripes, flowers or butterflies. Baby girl bedding tends to be very girly but if you don't like a lot of "girly" you may opt for something a bit simpler such as baby bedding with patterns in a color scheme that you adore.

Baby Boy Bedding

When we think of boys we tend to think of the color blue. While there are many crib sets with a blue color scheme there are also others in shades of greens, earth tones and creams. You can opt for simple bedding that features patterns such as polka dots or stripes or maybe you'd prefer a baby bedding set with an animal or jungle theme.

Gender Neutral Baby Cribs Bedding

Gender neutral baby bedding is becoming more and more popular. Some people are just sick of the traditional pinks and blues and want to go for baby bedding that's a bit different. Some really great gender neutral colors include yellow, greens and browns. A few fashionable color combinations include blues and browns, pinks and browns, cream and chocolate browns and greens and yellows. Gender neutral bedding is perfect for boys or girls and can be a great way to shop for bedding if you don't know your baby's gender before they arrive.

Fashionable baby cribs bedding does not have to be expensive. You can find baby bedding just about anywhere including major department stores, discount department stores, online stores and online auction sites. There really are so many different color schemes and patterns to choose from. The best way to go about choosing bedding sets for your new baby is to think about which colors you like and go from there. Remember that you don't have to settle for pink or blue.

Baby Cribs Bedding
Baby Beds Cribs

Gopro Mounts Toy Bin Storage

Convertible Baby Furniture From Crib to Queen - The Only Bed You May Ever Have to Buy For Your Baby

In today's economy it pays to think long term when considering savings. The Ebony Crib2Queen baby furniture by Child Craft does just that! By providing a bed that starts as a crib and changes to a daybed, a complete twin bed or full size bed and a complete queen bed , you are saving money as baby grows into adulthood! Essentially you are purchasing four beds at one time! Because of its versatility, high quality and beauty, this may be the only bed you will ever have to buy for your child!

Baby Beds Cribs

Child Craft is a name well known to parents for its reliability since it was founded in 1911 in Salem, Indiana. It is an American, family owned company whose principles of quality and integrity have not changed for nearly 100 years. Our manufacturing capabilities include the latest in computer equipment, combined with the most experienced human touch and trained eye. You can always count on Child Craft to provide safe, reliable quality baby furniture!

Baby Beds Cribs

When I recently spoke about Child Craft with someone I was sitting next to on an airplane, she told me: "O yes! Child Craft! I have a Child Craft crib in my attic. My three children used it and I'm now passing it on to my daughter-in-law!" Proof positive that your purchase of the Crib2Queen sleep system is baby furniture that will easily weather normal wear and tear as your child grows into adulthood!

As with all Child Craft products, safety is the first consideration. The Child Craft Crib2Queen baby crib is JPMA certified and meets all mandatory and voluntary standards, including 16CFR 1508, ASTM-F1169, ASTM-F966 and ASTM-F1821. The assembly screws fit into metal bushings so you may safely convert this bed as many times as you wish without sacrificing integrity. These metal bushings also ensure longevity. All necessary conversion parts are included; bed rails for queen and twin beds are purchased separately. There is no moving dropside mechanism so the crib is sturdy and safe. The mattress for the crib has a four position mattress height adjustment making the crib convenient for Mom and Dad.

The design of the Crib2Queen is stylish and sophisticated being inspired by classic western American architecture of Greene and Greene. The crib is made of solid hardwood and finished to perfection, featuring dark wood inlays with a non-toxic, baby safe Cabernet stain.

If you are looking for a beautiful piece that is practical and of such high quality that you can be certain it will endure, you will want to consider this baby furniture for your nursery. This is baby furniture at its best, assuring quality, safety and reliability. You can find this crib at the on-line store: MyBabyFurniturePlus.

Convertible Baby Furniture From Crib to Queen - The Only Bed You May Ever Have to Buy For Your Baby
Baby Beds Cribs

Induro Tripod Head Lensbaby Canon

Owl Baby Bedding for the Nursery

Expecting a baby is an exciting time and an occasion for preparations and planning for your new arrival. There are lots of things to consider and prepare for your new bundle of joy. One of which is preparing a nursery for your newborn. Selecting a theme for your nursery will make the process easy.

Baby Beds Cribs

Whether you're expecting a girl or a boy, there are many themes and options available to decorate the room. One of the most popular themes for a nursery and children's bedrooms is to select an owl theme. One of the reasons that an owl theme is so popular is that quite often it is a suitable choice whether you're having a girl or a boy and is simply not limited to either gender.

Baby Beds Cribs

Another reason why the owl is becoming so popular is it has been featured in many books and films of late, notably the Harry Potter books and feature films and also the animated feature film, the Legend of the Guardian. The owl's appearance in popular culture has resulted in many merchandising and product placements, from ornaments and home wares to bedding for children and babies.

The owl, in addition to its popularity of recent times has long been a mascot and icon for knowledge and education, which makes it the ideal selection for a nursery or bedroom theme for your child with its encouragement to promote learning and educational values in your child starting at the early age of babies.

There are many owl bedding collections and options available for you to decorate your newborn's room. It's strictly a matter of personal taste as the bedding is available in many colors, fabrics, textures and styles. You might like to consider your existing home decor and palette of color when choosing the bedding for your nursery. Select colors, textures and fabrics that complement the existing furnishings and fittings in your home.

Many cot and crib comforter and quilt sets are suitable for girls and boys and come with additional nursery accessories that not only add to the theme of the nursery, but also provide practical uses for your newborn baby. For example many popular accessories for the nursery include blankets, towels, changing mats, mobiles and much more. An owl nursery theme will provide a fun, positive and playful environment for your child to sleep peaceful and offer enjoyment to parents on the completion of their nursery decorating project.

Owl Baby Bedding for the Nursery
Baby Beds Cribs

Christmas Sales American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White 201

Dec 08, 2011 02:11:22

Christmas American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White Deals
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American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White <<

Christmas Sales American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White Feature

  • 28" X 52" with 13" skirt
  • Split corners
  • 100% cotton percale
  • 220 thread count skirt with strong cotton/poly centerpiece

Christmas Sales American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White Overview

ABC 100% Cotton Percale Dust Ruffle - White

Elegant cotton percale dust ruffle adds a touch of luxury to standard infant crib bedding and is made with a strong cotton/poly centerpiece, 15" skirt with finished baby hem, and split corners.

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This Christmas American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White

Limited Offer Today!! American Baby Company Percale Crib Bed Skirt, White Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Rocking Cribs

Evolution of Safety Standards For Baby Cribs

A crib is a baby's bed with high, often slatted, often movable sides, suitable for a child who has outgrown a cradle or bassinet. When a young infant starts rolling over at approximately 3 to 4 months of age, the infant has outgrown the bassinet and needs a larger infant bed with better safety. Safety of a crib is more important than its looks. A brief account of evolution of safety standards for cribs in US is presented in this report.

Baby Beds Cribs

No safety regulations were in force for building cribs before 1974 in the US. In 1974 laws were passed for mandatory safety standards to be followed by crib manufacturers. This was the result of a number of unfortunate injuries and deaths attributed to faulty design and lack of safety standards associated with the cribs at that time. US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) imposes the safety laws.

Baby Beds Cribs

The Juvenile Product Manufacturers Association (JPMA) was born in 1959 and obtained its charter in 1962. JPMA is recognized as an organization dedicated to enhancing children's product safety. JPMA has developed a certification program that demands quality, safety and functionality. ASTM International, originally known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), was formed over a century ago, is currently one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world-a source for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM F1169-09 pertains to the latest safety standard of a full size baby crib. ASTM F1169-09 standards ensure structural integrity and design requirements addressing entanglement on corner post extensions. It requires the manufacturers to provide warning labels and instructional material for full-size baby cribs. Fully-furnished cribs are tested on, and need to conform to the following test requirements: mattress support system vertical impact properties; drop and stationary side (static and cyclic) properties; crib side spindle/slat torque properties; drop and folding side latch properties; and plastic teething rail properties.

In August of 1995 CPSC reported that used cribs are responsible for about 50 infant deaths a year. The report also said that: cribs accounted for more deaths of infants than any other nursery item, virtually all the reported victims were under age 2 and about 3/4th of the victims were under 1 year of age, incidents occurred mostly in the child's home, frequently infants strangled or suffocated when they became trapped in the crib side or end that had separated from the rest of the crib because of loose or missing hardware. Some infants also became trapped between undersized mattresses and the side of the crib, in gaps created by missing or improperly attached mattress supports, or in areas between broken or improperly spaced slats. Some infants strangled when clothing or items around their neck became entangled on the crib corner posts or crib hardware. Most of the of cribs involved in these incidents were previously owned or used. They were "hand-me-downs" gifts from friends and relatives or by purchasing them at yard sales, flea markets, and used furniture stores. Infant deaths in cribs have declined from an estimated 150 to 200 a year to about 50 since the safety standards have been set forth in 1974.

CPSC currently recommends that cribs meet the following safety guidelines:

1. No missing, loose, broken, or improperly installed screws, brackets, or other loose hardware on the crib or the mattress support.
2. No more than 23/8 inches between crib slats so a baby's body cannot pass through the slats. If a soda can fits easily through the slats on a crib, the spaces between the slats are too wide.
3. A firm snug-fitting mattress so a baby cannot get trapped between the mattress and the side of the crib.
4. No corner posts over 1/16 of an inch above the end panels (unless they are over 16 inches high for a canopy) so baby cannot catch clothing and strangle.
5. No cutout areas on the headboard or footboard so a baby's head cannot get trapped.
6. A mattress support that does not easily pull apart from the corner posts so a baby cannot get trapped between the mattress and crib.
7. No cracked or peeling paint to prevent lead poisoning. 8. No splinters or rough edges.

JPMA certifies the cribs that meet the safety criteria of the CPSC and the voluntary safety standards of the ASTM. It is important to use a well-fitted mattress for your baby's crib. The standard size of a crib mattress is approximately 515/8 inches by 271/4 inches. A standard crib mattress will fit new standard crib, but may not fit an older crib made before 1974. Buy a standard size crib that is JPMA certified with a standard size mattress for your baby.

Evolution of Safety Standards For Baby Cribs
Baby Beds Cribs

Sealy Posturpedic Safety Gate Crib

Bee My Baby Crib Bedding by Brandee Danielle - A Product Review

Brandee Danielle, one of the most innovative crib bedding manufacturers, is available through national chains, including JC Penny, baby specialty stores, and online retailers. The Bee My Baby bedding collection is a great choice for those interested in high quality gender neutral bedding in a Bee/Bug theme. Bee My Baby is a good value at 0 and 0 for a four-piece crib set.

Baby Beds Cribs

Bee My Baby is packaged as a four-piece crib set which includes a quilt, bumper, crib skirt, and fitted sheet. The fitted sheet is available for purchase separately. The collection is made from 100% cotton and is machine washable. As with most crib bedding collections, coordinating accessories are available to decorate the nursery. One drawback to Bee My Baby is the lack of wall border, a common accessory available with most crib bedding collections. There are several "rustic" wall hangings available that match the pattern.

Baby Beds Cribs

Most crib bedding manufacturers use the quilt as the highlight of the collection. Though Brandee Danielle uses premium quality fabrics, the quilt is comprised of four squares and a simplistic patchwork pattern. This is not to say that the quilt, or the rest of the bedding set for that matter, is not made with superior craftsmanship. The quilt is made from a genuine patchwork design, in which each "patch" is sewn together to create the pattern; as opposed to patchworks in which the "patches" are on the same fabric and the stitching makes it appear as though the patches are independent of each other.

The four squares are made from a soft sherpa material and woven yellow, green, and black ginghams. The quilt backing features the sherpa material as well. I was pleased to see the woven fabrics used throughout the bedding collection. Woven fabrics are created using individual colored threads that are woven together to create a pattern. In general, they are more durable than their printed counterparts.

There is an embroidered bee on the quilt, bumper, and assorted accessories. The bumper is 9" tall and comes in four pieces, each with a zippered cover that is easily removable for washing. The bumper also includes ties on the top and bottom. The crib skirt features a peek-a-boo style with a 15" drop. The fitted sheet is made from woven green gingham.

I would warn any potential customer against purchasing a Brandee Danielle pattern from an online retailer that does not have the merchandise in stock. I have experienced bedding collections stuck in customs for weeks, missed arrival dates, and a general inability to estimate as to when collections will arrive. Despite that, I cannot deny the superior quality of the fabrics or the craftsmanship used to produce Bee My Baby.

Unfortunately, for Canadian consumers purchasing from a United States online retailer, the Bee My Baby bedding collection is manufactured in India. Customers in Canada would be required to pay import duties of as much as 18% of the stated prices.

If you are interested in a Bee/Bug theme, you might also look at Bizzie Bees also by Brandee Danielle or Stop Buggin' Me by Glenna Jean.

Bee My Baby Crib Bedding by Brandee Danielle - A Product Review
Baby Beds Cribs

Cyber Monday Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress 2011 Deals

Dec 06, 2011 07:08:17

Cyber Monday Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress Deals
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Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress <<

Cyber Monday Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress Feature

  • Support bars help distribute you baby?s weight evenly over the entire crib mattress surface and all-around border rods keep the sides, corners and edges firm--just like an adult mattress
  • Two non-allergenic layers provide long-lasting durability and support
  • Mattress also fits toddler bed frames
  • Mattress is made in the USA and includes a 20 year warranty on workmanship and materials
  • STAPH-GARD® laminate cover provides an antibacterial and anti-static surface

Cyber Monday Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress Overview

The Sealy Baby Firm Rest Mattress receives some of the best crib mattress reviews. It is one of the most comfortable yet firm models of baby crib mattress around. A non-allergenic layer provides comfort for an extremely plush sleeping surface. The Sealy crib mattress fits most cribs and toddler bed frames. This mattress is easy to clean, easy to move or lift and has a waterproof surface and binding. Sealy crib mattresses are made in the USA and this crib mattress includes a 20 year warranty on workmanship and material.

SAVE NOW on Cyber Monday offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Cyber Monday Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress

Limited Offer Today!! Sealy Baby Firm Rest Crib Mattress Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

Camouflage Sheet Sets Nikon Speedlight Flash White Wicker Beds

Welcome to Jungle Baby Crib Bedding and Nursery Design

Choosing a theme for your newborn's nursery can be a daunting task, with a number of considerations to take into account. Style is one thing that comes to mind. But there are other things, like emotional needs and educational stimulation, to think about since your baby will be in her nursery for quite a lot of time in her early developmental years.

Baby Beds Cribs

I submit that the theme of the Jungle/Safari baby crib bedding is one of the best choices to base and develop your nursery décor on. Here are eight of the reasons why I think so:

Baby Beds Cribs

1. Senses Are Stimulated. The Jungle/Safari baby crib bedding designs are alive with many vibrant colors and shapes that will thrill your baby's senses. Just the colors alone, that will become part of her life, will keep her busy allowing her to get acquainted with the different bright and dark variations. The stripes, the dots and the spots will introduce her to varied forms and sizes that will help her associate with and connect to real world examples.

2. Language Development. As we all know the first baby talk is non-verbal. A favorite activity for a young baby is to babble and coo imitating the sounds her parents make. A nursery filled with a lot of different animals is a good source of animal noises for parents and baby to imitate for hours. Language has its basis in sounds and that is the great advantage of this playtime activity. By starting with the sounds that animals make, you can progress with your child up through to the traditional beginner's vocabulary of "da-da" and "ma-ma." With so many 'vocal friends depicted on the baby crib bedding, talking skills will be easier to teach.

3. Motor Skills Get A Fine Tuning. With the Safari/Jungle décor impersonating the movement of any jungle resident comes easily to parents. It's a fun and inspiring activity. Seeing you down on your hands and knees will tempt your baby to do the same; and, before long you might have a cute monkey jumping in the crib or a brave lion crawling on the nursery floor.

4. Crib Party. Surrounded by exotic jungle animals the time in the crib will be really amusing and entertaining for your baby. In the wild company of lions, giraffes, monkeys and elephants she'll never have a dull moment - what an exciting safari.

5. Unisex. For parents who don't want to know the baby's gender before the birth the Jungle/Safari baby crib bedding is the best choice for nursery decor. You can take a full advantage of the gender neutral design and prepare the nursery much earlier before the due date. It is a simple matter of touching things up with gender-specific details and characters once the baby is born and gender is known. The nursery can be used for future children with only minor changes according to gender along the way.

6. Accessorizing Becomes Simple. You can add or remove details to this Jungle/Safari nursery theme with ease. Use the baby crib bedding design for ideas and inspiration. Put up little handmade hammocks to house stuffed jungle animals; draw some palm trees or lianas on the walls; or simply, hang a few jungle puppets on a string. The possibilities are endless.

7. Color Choices. Green is naturally the most suitable color scheme for any jungle setting while orange, beige and yellow go with the safari nursery theme. But always think in terms of the various shades of these colors and you will have so many different possibilities. Complementing color schemes and shapes (circles, stripes) will enhance the nursery design.

8. A Theme That Grows With Your Child. As your baby grows into her toddler years, there is no reason that her wild Jungle/Safari theme can't grow with her. Transfer the wild safari from her crib down to her first bed with blankets, comforters or quilts carrying the jungle theme, along with pillowcases and sheets. Chairs and play tables can have the jungle theme added to them to complement the decor throughout the room. Any toys and furnishings can easily be adapted for as long as your child enjoys her jungle surroundings.

The Jungle/Safari baby crib bedding is a lovely tale with plenty of animals and colors and is a very strong theme for an adventurous and exotic nursery design.

Welcome to Jungle Baby Crib Bedding and Nursery Design
Baby Beds Cribs

Cyber Monday BreathableBaby Breathable Safer Bumper, Fits All Cribs, White 2011 Deals

Dec 05, 2011 09:32:25

Cyber Monday BreathableBaby Breathable Safer Bumper, Fits All Cribs, White Deals
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BreathableBaby Breathable Safer Bumper, Fits All Cribs, White

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for BreathableBaby Breathable Safer Bumper, Fits All Cribs, White <<

Cyber Monday BreathableBaby Breathable Safer Bumper, Fits All Cribs, White Feature

  • Reduces the risks of suffocation, entanglement and climbing
  • Soft and padded, keeps little limbs safely inside
  • Easy-wrap design; Adjustable to fit cribs with slatted ends, attaches easily with hook and loop fasteners, no dangerous ties
  • Collapses to prevent climbing, patented and safety evaluated
  • Solid colors coordinate with any bedding set, award winning product

Cyber Monday BreathableBaby Breathable Safer Bumper, Fits All Cribs, White Overview

The Award-Winning Breathable Baby Breathable Bumper reduces the risk of suffocation, entanglement and climbing. With the increased awareness of crib safety, the Breathable Bumper is an exclusive fabric with A.C.T. Air Channel Technology that promotes air-flow and helps maintain air access. This product has been Pediatrician evaluated and recommended. Soft and padded, keeps little limbs safely inside the crib. Hypoallergenic. Machine washable and fast drying.

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This Cyber Monday BreathableBaby Breathable Safer Bumper, Fits All Cribs, White ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

BreathableBaby Breathable Safer Bumper, Fits All Cribs, White

Limited Offer Today!! BreathableBaby Breathable Safer Bumper, Fits All Cribs, White Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

Fire Truck Toddler Bed Nikon Af-D

Decorating a Baby Nursery on a Budget

Let's face it - decorating a baby's nursery is expensive. From buying the crib to choosing nursery decor, the cost adds up. Some parents spend upwards of ,000 on their nursery, and some even more than that. Unfortunately, not all parents have that kind of cash. If you are on a tight budget, there are many ways that you can create your dream nursery without emptying your bank account.

Baby Beds Cribs

Create a Budget

Baby Beds Cribs

Before you go shopping, make a game plan and create a budget. How much are you willing to spend on your baby's room? For example, if your spending limit is 0, stick firm to this amount. Create a list of your "must-haves" and your "wishes" for your baby's nursery.

Must-haves for many expectant parents include the crib and the baby crib bedding set. All babies need a place to sleep. However, these two items can be rather expensive to buy. You can find cribs that range from 0 to ,000, depending on their features, the quality of workmanship, and designs. The same is true for crib bedding collections.

To avoid going over your budget, you need to start comparing prices. You can do this by calling around and inquiring about prices, visiting the stores in person, or by shopping online. If you're on a budget, choose a product that is affordable to your price range.

Shopping by price is the one of the smartest things that you can do when decorating a nursery on a budget. While quality is also important, you may want to keep in mind that your baby will outgrow the crib and baby crib bedding set within a year or two, so you will probably not want to buy products that cost ,000!

Choose a Nursery Theme

When decorating your baby's nursery on limited budget, another element that you will want to consider is the nursery theme. You can choose either a color theme, which will set the ambiance of the room, or a character or animal theme, which adds a more creative element to your nursery.

If you decide to choose a color theme, you may want to consider soft colors for your baby's room. Soft colors create a very soothing and serene nursery environment that is comforting to your baby. You may to choose simple colors (such as white, yellow, or cream), since these colors will compliment almost any baby crib bedding design that you choose. Plus, these colors can also work in your toddler's room later on.

On the other hand, if you want to add a playful touch to your baby's nursery, you may want to shop by a character theme. From nautical nursery themes to animal motifs to popular cartoon characters, you have many options. What you will love about character-based nursery themes is that they often grow with your child and save you money in the long run.

No matter whether you decide on a color theme or a character-based nursery theme, decorating your baby's room can be inexpensive, depending on where you look and what crib bedding designer you choose.

Shop by Baby Bedding Designer

While some crib bedding designers only offer 4 piece sets, you can also find designers that bring you 6 piece, 9 piece, 10 piece, and even 13 piece baby crib bedding collections. If you shop carefully, you may be able to find a gorgeous collection that comes with the basics (fitted sheet, comforter, crib skirt, and bumper), as well as coordinating nursery decor, such as wall hangings, diaper stackers, musical mobiles, and window valances.

If you only choose a 4-piece crib bedding set, you can purchase additional nursery decor, which are sold separately. But buying separate nursery decor can really add up. So if you are a mom or dad on a tight budget, you should choose a baby bedding designer that throws in additional nursery decor for a low cost.

Decorating a Baby Nursery on a Budget
Baby Beds Cribs

Cyber Monday Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail 2011 Deals

Dec 04, 2011 12:01:13

Cyber Monday Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail Deals
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Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail <<

Cyber Monday Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail Feature

  • Specifically designed for use with most convertible cribs
  • 13" - 14" total height
  • Easy Installation, no tools needed
  • Steel and mesh materials
  • Age Range: 1-3; For use when child still sleeps in crib-toddler bed style

Cyber Monday Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail Overview

KidCo Convertible Crib Bed Rail The folks at KidCo know that your child's safety is your number one priority. That's why KidCo specializes in designing products to keep your child secure, at home, or on the road. The KidCo Convertible Crib Bed Rail brings the company's safety expertise to bear on your tot's sleeptime. The Kidco Crib Bed Rail can be used with most convertible cribs and installing it is a snap! Makes the transition from crib to big-kid bed less stressful for both you and your t

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Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail

Limited Offer Today!! Kidco Convertible Crib Bed Rail Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

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